disclaimer: out of datecommissions closed, i stopped posting
is a portrait that includes
head, neck, hair, one or two accessories
background can be either black, white or filled in with a pattern
+ 25$ for 2nd person (on the same drawing)
is a portrait that includes
head, neck, hair, more than 2 accessories, hands, body and more than 2 textures of clothing
background can be either black, white or filled in with a pattern
i also offer backgrounds that depict something, but they need to be simple
+ 40$ for 2nd person (on the same drawing)

WHAT I DRAWreal people, ocs
characters, fanart
more than 1 person
on 1 drawing
WHAT I DON'T DRAWnfsw, gore, mechanical
complex bg, non-realistic style
few questions
Are you able draw my character in your style ?Yes! I don't have any problems with converting characters into my style, but i will frequently ask for your approval of the face i drew because i can make many changes on paper after it's done.
What if you're drawing a friend or a family member of mine, will it be a problem?Not at all! Just provide me high quality pictures that you want me to redraw. If wanted i can change few things like make up, hairstyle, accessories etc. Since it's a real, not famous person - I will ask you whether i can post final piece on social media. It's totally fine if you want me to not show the faces.
Can you draw 2 people on one piece?Yes! There is no problem with that, if you rather have one drawing with two people oppose to two separate ones - im all up for it! It lowers the price. Keep in mind that I can do only 2 people on one art piece. If you want more than two, please tell me, I can think of a solution but it will charge more.
I have right to use my artworks to self-promotion, however I do not claim the copyrights of the characters but to the art piece itself.All commissioned works are intended for personal, NON-COMMERCIAL USE ONLY. Commissions cannot be used for advertisements or on products, cannot be mass-produced, or used for profit.I do not sell copyrights to my artwork.
Only upfront payment. I accept 50/50 payment only on first commission.I accept payments only via PayPal. EURO currency preferred.
When sending me money use "friends and family" option.
If I have started working on the commission after client has the sketch, I do not give refunds, unless in exceptional circumstances. By agreeing to my terms you are paying for the work I do, not just the finished product.If the commission is cancelled, I will send you back money based on work I put in your piece with current state of your commission.I have rights to cancel your commission anytime for no reason, however I will always try to explain my reason.I reserve the right to decline a request that I'm not comfortable with.
Once i start, i will send you sketch for you to approve. After the approval I will send you progress photos to make sure there aren't any mistakes as I am working on paper and I can't make many changes after.You will get 2 jpgs - a scanned version or a photo edited and unedited.I will estimate the time needed to finish the art. Please express patience when ordering your commission as incidents happen.